What are common Attack Vectors?

Attack Vectors - Cyber Guard

What are common Attack Vectors?

What is an Attack Vector?

As technology advances and more of our work and information moves online, unfortunately, this provides more opportunities for hackers to attack and try and steal your information. Especially if you operate a business, making sure your company is safe from cyber attacks is extremely important to ensure the privacy of your business and your clients.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to defend your business from malware, viruses, or other common attack vectors then keep scrolling. This article will cover how to protect your business from internet attacks and keep your private information safe.

Cyber Attack Definition

Before we can examine the different attack vectors, you first need to understand what constitutes a cyber attack. A cyber attack is any offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, computer networks, infrastructure, or personal computer devices.

A cyber attack vector is any way a malicious party can infiltrate or breach an entire system or network. Attack vectors empower hackers to take advantage of a computer system’s weak point – including human users.

Types of Cyber Attacks

There are 6 cyberattack vectors that hackers commonly use to gain access to a computer system. Below we’ll cover each of these individually.

Stolen or Weak Login Details

Easy-to-guess passwords or passwords that are used multiple times are a common attack vector for cybercriminals. The apps and protocols sending login credentials over a network pose a real security threat. A hacker connected to your network can easily locate and use these credentials to then invade other parts of your system.

Compromised Login Details

A username or password that is easy to guess is still one of the most common ways for a hacker to gain access to your computer networks. Use two-factor authentication and complicated passwords to ensure that your login details aren’t easily acquired by a cybercriminal.

Malicious Insider

While not as common as the above two attack vectors, an employee who has access to your company’s private information can exploit it and share it with a malicious party. Keep an eye out for any disgruntled employees and only share passwords with employees who need them.

Poor or Missing Encryption

Data encryption is a way to protect your data from anyone who doesn’t have the secret key or password to read it. Poor or missing data encryption is another common way for hackers to breach your cybersecurity. Invest in the best encryption possible and make sure anything especially is encrypted at all times.


Ransomware is a way for criminals to extort a business or individual by preventing users from accessing their data until a ransom is paid. The cost can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands.


Another common attack vector for hackers is phishing. This is when a cybercriminal targets a user by phone, text message, or email posing as a legitimate organization to lure individuals into giving over their data such as credit card details, passwords, or social security number. Avoid clicking on any emails or websites that look suspicious. If you’re ever unsure, contact the organization to make sure it is an official communication from them.

If you own a business and want to ensure your company is protected from malicious digital attackers, contact the insurance specialists at Cyber Guard. Cyber Guard is dedicated to bringing their clients the most comprehensive cyber insurance policies on the market. Contact them today to get a quote!