What is Hacking?

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What is Hacking?

What is the definition of hacking? Well, it refers to the act of compromising networks or digital devices by using unauthorized access to a computer system or an account. Contrary to popular belief, hacking is not always bad, but unfortunately, it is widely associated with thefts and acts against the law.

Here are 5 different types of hacking strategies that are commonly used:

● Phishing and Social Engineering

Phishing and social engineering schemes are an attempt to encourage you to share your personal information. This is usually done by impersonating reliable sources via email. Hackers will send you a message which is designed to look like it’s from someone you know. They will ask you to send money or download infected attachments so that they can exploit the vulnerability of your network.

● Malware-Injecting Devices

This is a hacking strategy wherein cybercriminals use hardware to carry malware to your network or computer. The best example of these is infected USB sticks that allow hackers access to your device when plugged into your computer.

● Password Cracking

This is one of the oldest and most common methods of hacking. Hackers can obtain your credentials by using different means but the most common method they use is called keylogging.

Types of Hackers

There are different types of hackers out there. They can be categorized into 4 using their motivators which are:

1. Financial gains
2. Corporate espionage
3. Fame and notoriety
4. State-sponsored hacking

On that note, here are the different types of hackers:

● White Hat Hackers

White Hat hackers are those who do hacking for good. They mainly use proactive hacking techniques to prevent the success of cybercriminals.

There are hacker services mainly composed of White Hat Hackers. They often test the vulnerability of networks of companies to help them find the best solutions. However, they don’t necessarily do bad things such as compromising or stealing data.

● Black Hat Hackers

Contrary to White Hat Hackers, Black Hat Hackers are those who exploit the vulnerability of networks for their own gains. They usually have the intention to steal money or violate privacy rights.

Some of the most notorious Black Hat Hackers in history are:

○ Jeanson James Ancheta
○ Astra
○ Kevin Poulsen
○ Johnathan James
○ Gary Mckinnon
○ Kevin Mitnick

● Grey Hat Hackers

The third category of hackers is those who are called Grey Hat Hackers. They are named as such because they walk between the fine line of good and bad.

Compared to black hat hackers, Gray hackers do not steal or violate privacy rights with the intention of gaining money or fame. Most of their actions are carried out for the majority’s common good. For example, they will hack a particular network to raise public awareness and encourage them to be more vigilant.

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In this day and age, understanding hacking definition is now more important than ever. Most people’s lives are intertwined with technology which makes them vulnerable to attacks of Black Hat Hackers.

However, the good news is that there are several ways for you to protect yourself against hacker organizations. For example, you can secure your passwords and avoid opening suspicious emails.